Who We Are

Taylors Farm has been in our family for over 100 years. As 3rd generation farmers, we moved to the farm in 1987 when Rogers father retired.

With a growing family, we decided to reduce the variety of crops we grew & introduced a small herd of cattle; mainly Limousin, Charolais and Belgian Blue X cows.

Our original plan was to fatten and sell our beef through local markets, but with the struggling farming industry through BSE and foot & mouth, we made a plan to diversify so Taylors Farm would survive.

After preparing our own beef in our family kitchen to sell to friends and relatives, we realised pretty quickly that we needed a bigger space to prepare our meat which lead to the first of many barn conversions.

With a 3ft counter and opening to the public at weekends only, we had a steady stream of customers, until one hot weekend when we put up a sign on the roadside advertising Taylors Farms burgers & steaks…. This is when we realised we needed to expand our shop and team!

Steve, our first full time butcher, became part of Taylors Farm in 2005 and has been with us ever since.

In 2007 with our family team still growing, we took the opportunity to expand into a neighbouring stable unit and this gave us the perfect opportunity to expand the range of goods we sold. Stocking fruit and veg, milk and ice cream, everything our customers would need to make a tasty meal, but they had to walk between two buildings.

Finally, to bring everything under one roof, we converted the farms original stone barn into one large shop.

Now, we’re open five days a week and with word of mouth keeping us busy, we’ve opened our extension in 2019 and added a variety of new products to all areas of our shop, giving you the Taylors Farm Shop you see today.